Episode 116 – Dodge a Wrench

This week is all about Mike’s Gaming Table: Castle Panic, Cards Against Humanity, Guillotine, Fluxx, Them’s Fightin Words, Pathfinder, Homeroom, and Dodgeball. And in the midst of all that, Eli appears having just discovered Mike’s mythic, decade-old Games Binder. It’s like digging up buried treasure! And then R2 rolls out the Pod-O-Matic, and Mike takes on listener questions about faster than light travel, time travel, and alternate dimensions, plus Billy Idol, what happens at absolute zero, and a very special Fantastic Four edition of F-Marry-Kill. Plus more! The whole episode is capped off by actual listener betrayal in the Listener Betrayal segment. Listen now… this is the podcast that makes all the nightmares go away!


Nerd Pride Radio, Episode 116 – Dodge a Wrench