Episode 280 – Werewalrus

Whoo! It’s an episode! Mike and Aidan display their limited understanding of D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2. Then Mike shares his favorite short-form science news podcast: Shortwave. He also talks about the awesomeness of Michael Schur and his TV creations. Plus, a particularly ragey Nerd Rage over 4-way stops. And all of this is just the lead up to Mike and Aidan’s Awesome in the 80s review of the Kevin Costner classic thriller No Way Out. R2 rolls out nearly a dozen all-new, listener-submitted questions on the Pod-O-Matic, talking about dream cars, recycling, secrets for how to win at Truth or Dare, and Aidan and Mike both read texts from their moms… dawwww. Wholesome nerdy goodness for your ears. Listen now!


Nerd Pride Radio, Episode 280 – Werewalrus