Episode 301 – Cleveland Brand Steamers

Ahoy! Episode sighted! Mike revisits fantasy maps. Then there’s cool space stuff on the Science Corner. Aidan has an Unnamed History Segment about a Cleveland based kitchen equipment company. Mike raves about his new favorite podcast: A Hotdog is a Sandwich, but then gets all Nerd Ragey over national Republicans with COVID. There’s Midsommar AND Welcome to Marwen on the Science Fiction Double Feature, and we round out the first half with a couple of dumb dad jokes in the Hi Hungry segment. Whew! R2 is present in all his glory, and he delivers three all-new, listener-submitted questions so the guys can talk about pulling nose hairs, talking to their pets, and a treatise on how they nerd things up! So join us… let’s nerd this up!


Nerd Pride Radio, Episode 301 – Cleveland Brand Steamers